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Does this scenario sound familiar to you?  You sit down to watch TV.  During the commercial break you hear the bag of chips calling to you from the kitchen cupboard.  You decide to have a handful and return to watching TV.  Next commercial break you do the same thing, but this time you take the bag back to the couch.  By the next commercial, the bag is empty and you wonder how that could be.

This is one of many examples of mindless eating and you are probably not aware that it is happening.  Mindless eating happens when you are distracted by something else so that all of your attention is not on what you are eating or how you are eating.  When distracted, we are far more likely to shift into autopilot and overeat and this is one very common reason for weight gain.

Still not convinced?  Clinical studies have examined the effectiveness of awareness and eating. For example, Timmerman and Brown (2012) conducted a study on middle-aged women who frequently ate out at restaurants.  The intervention involved teaching the women how to be more “aware” of their choices, hunger, fullness and mindless eating behaviour.  The result?  The women ate 300 calories less each day.

So, how many times a day are you eating mindlessly?  Take a look at this list and check the ones that you regularly engage in.

  • Driving
  • Making dinner
  • Desktop dining
  • Reading a magazine
  • Cleaning up after a meal
  • Watching a movie at the cinema
  • Talking on the phone
  • Eating when you are bored, stressed or anxious
  • Emptying your plate even though you are full
  • Attending a party or social event

Almost everyone eats mindlessly at one time or another.  But if you are struggling with your weight, then it is crucial to know how often you are eating mindlessly and then to do something about it.

Here are 7 tips for eating more mindfully:

  • Eat for the first 5 minutes of every meal in silence
  • Designate a place in your home where the only thing that you do is eat
  • Eat with chopsticks
  • Don’t eat from a carton – take a serving size and put it on a plate/bowl
  • Make food hard to get – most of us won’t work too hard to eat
  • Pretend you are a food critic and you will have to describe how the food looks, smells, feels, sounds, and tastes
  • Try taking the first 4 sips of hot tea or coffee with full attention

There are many opportunities in a day to practice these tips and we know that mindful eating gets easier and more effective with practice.  You will eventually feel more satisfied when you eat.

Enjoy your meal!!!!


Timmerman, G.M. & Brown, A.  (2012).  The effect of a mindful restaurant eating intervention on weight management in women.  Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 2012 Jan-Feb;44(1):22-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jneb.2011.03.143.

If you read last week’s blog on How to Sabotage Your Next Diet, and if you have ever dieted before, there is a good chance you could relate.  The truth of the matter is, when we diet, we tend to experience feelings such a guilt, shame, and failure, which are not much fun at all.  Food and eating is meant to bring us joy and pleasure, not to shame us for enjoying it.


Mindfulness, the concept of moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and environment, is becoming a well-documented tool for mental health, but did you know the principles could also be applied to diet?

eating-in-front-of-tvIn fact, most of us likely practice the opposite of mindful eating, we are more likely engaging in mindless eating.  We lack awareness of how we fill our plate, or our portion size.  We eat in front of the TV or computer, and we do not notice cues in our body signaling us that we are full.  With mindless eating, most of us can consume an unnoticed 200-300 calories each day, which overtime can lead to unwanted weight gain.  Consider this: have you ever been eating chips and went to put your hand in the bag, only to find it empty? Or have you ever eaten the last piece of crusty, dried out chocolate cake even though it tasted like cardboard?

Without thought, a lot of the cues in our environment and body go unnoticed.

Below are a series of questions to ask yourself about your eating and eating habits.

Take a few moments to complete the Mindful Eating Self-Assessment Questionnaire[1].


Once you complete the questionnaire, take some time to review it.

The point of this exercise is to start the process of becoming more aware of situations surrounding food.  Why you may eat in certain situations, what your feelings usually are when you are eating, if you are aware of the surroundings that make you more likely to participate in unhealthy behaviours?

We first must begin to notice our behaviours before we being to change them.

Visit our web page for details about our upcoming course and FREE Information Session on OHS’s Balancing ACT for Weight Control



[1]Framson C, Kristal AR, Schenk JM, Littman AJ, Zeliadt S, Benitez D. Development and validation of the Mindful Eating Questionnaire. J Am Diet Assoc 2009;109:1439-1444.


Happy New Year from Odyssey Health Services Inc.


Here we are at the start of a brand new year and many of us are deciding on our 2017 Resolutions.  If you are like hundreds of thousands of other people, living a healthier lifestyle, including losing weight, will be at the top of your list.  And, like many of thousands of others, you will fail.

Diets, for most people, teach you to do the wrong things.  Check to see how many of the following are familiar to you and what you can do differently in 2017.

How to Sabotage your Next Diet

1. Generate a list of forbidden foods:dont-eat-me

  • They become an immediate temptation
  • They call to you from the fridge in the kitchen
  • Leads to sneaky behaviour
  • Leads to binge eating
  • Leads to guilt

Learn how to eat whatever you want!

2. Weigh yourself frequently:

  • If you have gained, you beat yourself up
  • If you have lost, it’s never enough
  • You end up playing games with the scale

Learn how to put the number on the scale into perspective!


3. Avoid social events:

  • Feel deprived
  • Who and What is most important to you is ignored

Learn how to control your eating in all situations!

4. Give in to external pressure to lose weight:split-in-road

  • Losing weight for a special event (wedding, reunion)
  • Need to fit into an outfit you already own
  • Partner wants you to lose weight
  • The media trend of the day
  • Trying to look like what you see in magazines and on TV

Learn how to move in the direction of what matters most to you!

5. Believe everything you read about dieting:

  • You can lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks
  • If you exercise, you can eat as much as you want
  • It’s always a good idea to go with the salad
  • It’s better to eat lots of mini meals rather than eating fewer, larger meals
  • Cut back on carbs to lose weight
  • Skipping breakfast makes you gain weight
  • Eating at night will make you fat
  • Slow weight loss is the only way to lose weight and keep it off
  • You have to set modest goals if you want to lose weight
  • A slow metabolism prevents weight loss
  • Low-fat foods help you lose weight

Learn to control your eating behaviour and never diet again!diet-cartoon

Balancing ACT for Weight Control

Visit the Education page for details about our upcoming course and FREE Information Session



Thanksgiving turkey and Halloween candy are over for this year… but another holiday season is looming.

femaleAre you already feeling doomed when it comes to controlling your eating and your weight?  Do you feel guilty about what you eat?  Are you ashamed because you failed again this year?  Is “dieting” at the top of your New Year’s Resolution list……again?

The weight loss industry WANTS YOU.  If you are thinking of going on a diet again – DON’T!!!!!

There are many reasons why going on yet another diet doesn’t make sense.  The most powerful reason of all is because it hasn’t worked, doesn’t work and will statistically never work.  In reality, 97% of dieters regain everything they lost and then some within three years.


But there is an alternative.  There is an easy, effortless and low risk of failure solution to the problem.  If you understand what controls your behaviour and you understand the basic rules of learning, then it will become simple for you to control your eating behaviour.  Fortunately, the skills you need are easily acquired.male

By using a combination of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and behavioural and environmental engineering you can move closer to a weight and life that is most meaningful for you.  As a student in our program you will learn that:

  1. You are not that “fat” person, but the person who has that thought
  2. There is no such thing as “willpower”
  3. Hunger is not the issue
  4. Your habits get you “hooked”
  5. It’s not what you eat, it’s how you eat it
  6. Mindful eating leads to control
  7. Lack of confidence is holding you back

This is not a “diet breakthrough”.  This is a new way of looking at weight problems in the context of living a life that is truly fulfilling.

Balance the scale once and for all with Balancing ACT for Weight Control.


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